What to Expect
Expect the Visitation of the Holy Spirit
Preaching the Gospel
The gospel is the center of the story, God’s Story of redeeming His beloved
We believe that the Christian is called to “proclaim” the good news of Jesus Christ. At Hope, we preach the Word of God that invites all to receive eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. We also believe that when the Word of God is preached, then people are challenged and changed as they hear it.
Diverse Music
We sing in many languages, styles, and reflect many cultures
In Hope International Ministries, hearing varying styles of music in varying languages is the norm. With an array of worship styles intended to carry the listener around the world in worship, Hope combines the best praise from different nations intended to give the participant a taste of what worship would look like in Heaven.
Make A True Change
Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Hope International Ministries an even better Non-Profit Organization than it already is. We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.
Prayer Changes Things
Hope has an active prayer ministry that engages in spiritual warfare, intercession and the prophetic word. Prayer precedes and permeates all activities.Prayer and Fasting Breakthrough Meetings are held the last Wednesday to Friday of every month, and we have all night prayer on the last Friday of every other month.